Monday, August 17, 2009

Your Guide to the benefits of Beta Alanine

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to get results with your workout routine, you need to know what works so that you don't spend your money on useless items. In short, you need to know why a particular supplement works and how it works. These days, business companies are coming up with products that are new and improved every day, touting this or that as a benefit, putting them in fancy packages and boosting prices.

However, most of these things are just that, things. They aren't actually supplements that will help you better your health or physique. However, there is one that does that, and it's called beta alanine.

What is it? Beta alanine is a supplement that has been thoroughly researched in universities and has been tested on humans, too, to see what their reactions are. Those reactions have proven to be positive.

Here are some reasons beta alanine can be helpful to you as you try to understand why it is so special. It's a supplementary amino acid that the body needs, but cannot be found in normal diets to any great degree. That's why consuming adequate amounts of beta alanine at so-called "medical dosage is" is so important.

How does beta alanine work? Beta alanine is important to the body because the body changes it into carnosine, providing power and energy to your body.

This is crucial to a good workout, because carnosine exists in the body's muscles, especially those that are called "type 2," those involved in rigorous exercise. Therefore, carnosine helps you build strength and muscle.

But the manner in which it helps in muscle building is somewhat indirect in nature. Carnosine helps in the neutralizing of the hydrogen ions, produced in the body during extreme workouts, which help in the formation of lactic acid in the area getting worked on most, causing exhaustion and aches. Hence intake of the Beta-Alanine, through the carnosine, helps you reduce formation of lactic acid and thereby enhances your performance.

Who can and can't take beta alanine, and why should they? If you're trying to build yourself a new body by working out rigorously at the gym, beta alanine supplements would certainly be helpful to you, because they will help you work out longer and harder in preparation for building muscle. They can do this because of course, they help keep lactic acid production at bay. This is also very helpful to those who specialize in "metabolic workouts," because those who need to lose weight can get over their tiredness quickly and continue on with their workouts, thus resulting in a calorie deficit and weight loss.

But if you are someone going for moderate workouts you will not be in as much need of taking these supplements as the ones doing hard training. This is simply because in the moderate sets the formation of lactic acid will be minimum and therefore the exhaustion automatically less, hence requiring no supplements to provide excess energy.

If you think this is for you, go and check with your health food store to see if beta alanine supplements are provided there. Or, you can search on the Internet. If you take these very beneficial supplements, you may just find that your pain and fatigue will disappear.

Finally, remember that no supplement is going to take the place of a good diet and careful nutrition. You need healthy, good food, and enough of it, to do well with your bodybuilding. So if you want to become a focused, confident bodybuilder, make sure you follow a healthy diet that's balanced and in the right proportions.

Always remember to take that Beta-Alanine supplement to give your muscles and your body that added boost to continue doing the workout needed to get you fit and in the most gorgeous shape.

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