Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The New Wii Sports Resort Review

By Jimmy Calhoun

Need a new game to play this summer? Out this week is a new release from Nintendo of its long awaited new Wii games this year - the new Wii Sports Resort, which is based on the old Wii Sports.

Here there's a lot of games from the old version that you'll remember, in Wii Sports Resort, which updates the old Wii Sports game but includes some new games too. Wii Sports that usually was bundled with the Wii console a few years back when Wii console was first released. This Sports Resort Wii game has several new sports, and also includes some great new features to take full advantage of the also new release of the Wii MotionPlus accessory.

The MotionPlus is an accessory that gets attached to the Wii controller and helps provide a lot more control when you move the motion sensitive Wiimote Wii controller. You'll find that this new Wii Sports Resort game has a total of 12 different sports, and now includes a few like archery, swordplay, jet skiing, and sky diving which were not in the former version.

Reading through reviews on the Web, gamers find that the new games really do use the new MotionPlus technology in a fun way, but sometimes don't go far enough when they leave players wanting more in the way of using the new controller accessory and wanting extended games. With the new games such as swordplay and archery, they can really show off the enhanced control features which make the games more interesting.

The MotionPlus also enhances the older games such as bowling and golf which are still here, and have been improved making them more fun in this version. Some reviewers report that there are some technical issues apparently which are causing problems, or at least are inconvenient, such as having to recalibrate the controller all the time. Some of the games too are not as much fun as others, the wakeboarding game and piloting a plane are not as exciting as swordplay for example.

Of course some gamers will probably be bored with more sports games and some new mini games, but there are plenty of gamers who will find that this is lots of fun with the new controller MotionPlus. For most players, the new Wii Sports Resort is worth adding to your games collection and have fun playing with lots of new sports and the new Wii MotionPlus accessory.

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