Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to Fix a Relationship: 4 Questions You Have to Ask

By Paul Lindquist

How to fix a relationship when it is clearly broken is very hard and will involve asking tough questions. The challenge is that coming up with the best questions to ask to repair a relationship might be hard even when you are thinking clearly.

Even if you really want to know how to fix a relationship, most of us hate to confront difficult questions. We'd rather avoid asking questions and pretend that problems don't exist.

If you decide to take this path of least resistance, your the issues in the relationship will not just go away. To fix a relationship, you have to work at it. Here's some straight talk for you-once you become aware that there is an issue in the relationship, if you just ignore it, you are acting in an irresponsible manner.

So, here are the 4 questions you need to ask if you want to know how to fix a relationship:

1. What do you want to get out of the relationship?

This question is crucial and needs to be answered in the beginning of the relationship. The reason this question is crucial is because clarity is important for knowing if you and your partner are going to be compatible.

2. When did we experience our best times together?

The next question toward learning how to fix a relationship will help determine how each party looks at the relationship. If you each have a different idea of which point in the relationship you were happiest together, then it is likely that this might be when things started to go south.

3. In what ways are you not satisfied with the relationship?

This third question on how to fix a relationship should be answered gently. What I mean is, avoid blaming each other for the things that are wrong and try to keep from letting your emotions run too high. You simply need to know where each of you stands, and knowing what you are dissatisfied with is crucial in determining this.

4. Which direction is the relationship going?

Question four to knowing how to fix a relationship is to determine what future course you both believe the relationship is on. The answer each of you provide will give a good indication of the current state of your relationship. If both of you hold the belief that the relationship is on the wrong track and in grave danger, then possessing this knowledge is crucial so you can address the broken issues and fix your relationship.

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