Friday, September 25, 2009

Get the Maximum Benefit Your From Guitar Lessons

By Payo W Perry

The absolute first thing to realise is that you cannot buy the ability to play guitar. Even if you are attending lessons with the greatest guitar teacher in the world, guitar lessons alone will not make you succeed.

In this article we'll take some time to discuss the reasons why and how to really gain the maximum benefit from any guitar lessons you take.

As the student you should take responsibility for your own improvement on guitar. That means taking a serious and responsible approach to practice. The routine of simply attending guitar lessons will do nothing for your playing unless it's backed up by your attention to good quality practice.

It may seem obvious but it's amazing how many students begin guitar lessons without having any real idea of the kinds of music or songs they'd like to be able to play. The point here is to think about what you want and communicate it clearly to your tutor.

You'll end up with much more focused lessons from your tutor if you have put some thought in the type of music, songs and bands you would eventually like to sound like or play. This helps in two major ways. Firstly it means your lessons will be targeted to your personal tastes and secondly, you'll be much more likely to continue guitar lessons over the long term since your level of interest will remain high.

Taking your guitar lessons from different sources is an excellent way to speed up your progress when learning to play guitar as it offers different viewpoints and new ways of presenting information. The most popular way to combine learning would be to take private lessons with a local tutor as well as online guitar lessons. Now days there are a number of excellent guitar sites offering quality video lessons.

Declining in popularity these days are instructional DVDs and books, for most they just don't have the same clarity of actually seeing someone perform what they are teaching. I would recommend that you stay away from learning guitar through books and DVDs until you have had guitar lessons with a real tutor and are confident enough to continue on teaching yourself.

A lot of the responsibility for how effective your guitar lessons are is going to depend on you! Take the time to ensure your gaining the most for your money spent; don't leave it all up to your tutor to decide. This way whatever guitar lessons you undertake will reward you handsomely.

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