Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mafia Wars Cheats By Choosing An Amazing Top Mafia

By Richard MW Hijinx

Hello everyone,

Many think it seems a bunch of Mafia are interested in cheating in Mafia Wars. As we peer at the subject matter, it is pretty clear to all that we simply want to be good at the Mafia Wars! 1 key way to become GREAT in Mafia Wars is to choose a great Top Mafia!

Here is the top mafia explained and how to choose them.

Starting at your Mafia Wars home page you need to find and click the link "My Mafia" under your level and experience. Next you want to find a click the "view XXX members" link. After that you should be able to see your Top Mafia.

There are six Top Mafia positions in Mafia Wars, and filling each one properly can give you tremendous extra earning gains, attack and defense gains, as well as more experience from completing jobs. If you are looking for a quick way to "cheat" in Mafia Wars, then filling these positions properly are a sure way to get headed down the path of domination!

For an explanation of each of the six positions: Bodyguard, Safecracker, Bagman, Mastermind, Wheelman, and Button Man, click the help ? at the top of the page to the right of "Your Mafia Members" Each position is explained in detail.

You can get up to the following bonus from filling each position properly:

Bodyguard: 11 bonus to defense

Safecracker: 15% more cash from fights

Bagman: 15% more cash from jobs

Bodyguard: 11 bonus to defense

Safecracker: 15% more cash from fights

Button Man: 11 bonus to attack

To get more cool Mafia Wars tips and cheats and my currently recommended Top Mafia join the official "How to cheat in Mafia Wars" facebook group at

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