Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Basketball Defensive Drills

By Phil Canter

Have you heard that "Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships?" I hope so, because it is true. You look at all teams and it holds water. This is because offense might not show up because shots sometimes do not go in, but defense does. Defense is always there for you no matter what if you put the hard work in.

So why are people not practicing defense. It will separate them from your competition. It is because they are either too flashy or do not know how to practice defense. That is what these individual defensive drills will help you with. They will make you the player that your coach loves and always puts on the other teams best offensive player.

Drills to build quickness:

Lines-Jump side to side and back and forth over the half court line or any line with one foot at a time and then both feet at a time. Go as fast as you can. You want little quick jumps.

.Dots- In this drills, make 5 dots. Have 4 in a square and 1 in the middle so that they will look like an x. Do every combo jumping dot to dot on them. Do this with each foot or both feet.

Bounding- This drill trains you to bound on defense and not just run everywhere. Start this drill out on one foot and then jump as far as you can in a random direction an another direction landing on your other foot. Keep on doing this, but only do it for a short period of time. You are wanting to train your muscles to be explosive so go hard for a short amount of time.

Practicing Game Situation

Shuffle- Use the push slide step technique, and never overlap your feet. The push slid step technique is push with one leg, then slide the other one next to it, and then step back to where you started. It is that simple. To do this, go from the end of the lane to the other while staying in your defensive stance. Your defensive stance is having one hand inches from the ground and one hand up in someone face. The one hand up is to be distracting the player ready to block his shot or get a hand in the face while the low hand is being pesky and is the hand preventing the crossover ready to steal the ball and therefore making the playing you are guarding to go the direction you want him to go while making him uncomfortable.

Closing Out- Start out of bounds and put a cone at the free throw line. Imagine the cone as an imaginary person. Run at it and then chop step when you get close with your but down and hands up being ready for the shot and drive. Practice like it is a real game, or you will get burned in a real game.

Ball Shuffle Drill- Pass the ball along the wall while shuffleing. Always stay in your defensive stance while doing this. Remember that for all the defensive drills and you will get a great workout.

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