Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Elliptical Machines Are Superior

By Sean Patrick

Elliptical machines are the most popular apparatus in most gyms. Although some people may attribute this to a "fad" or "novelty" factor, the truth is that elliptical machines are popular because they're different from most other exercise machines in three key ways:

Ellipticals work the whole body. The more current model of elliptical machines give a lower and upper body workout that is unparalleled by any other type of machine. Elliptical machines offer rotation and simultaneous movement between the arms and legs. While giving a full body workout, this motion also increases coordination and balance. Also, since the arms and legs share the workout, elliptical machines can heal the muscular imbalances that many middle aged individuals suffer from.

They build true cardiovascular endurance. Most exercise machines work primarily the lower body. This can result in uneven training and a "false" sense of cardiovascular endurance, because the upper body is relatively weak and under-trained, when compared to the legs. Elliptical machines solve this problem by distributing the resistance between the upper and lower body, which results in a truly optimal cardiovascular workout-and true muscular endurance throughout the entire body.

They're easy on the joints. Elliptical machines offer a unique full body oval motion that is parallel to the natural full range motion of the hip and knee joints. This unique natural movement eliminates the total impact that is caused by activities such as walking or running, while building up the joints and providing the strength and endurance building that users are seeking when using elliptical machines.

They're easier on the mind, too. The steady, even motion of elliptical machines allows users to enjoy music, read books, and watch TV in a way that is impossible on some other exercise machines. (To use treadmills safely, for instance, you require a certain amount of concentration.) The rhythmic motion of elliptical machines is also helpful in triggering the "relaxation response" that is associated with activities such as meditation.

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