Friday, October 16, 2009

Easiest Halloween Ghost Crafts

By Russ D. Edwards

When you're making decorations for your Halloween celebration, you can pass up the opportunity to make Halloween ghost crafts. Actually, Halloween spook crafts are the simplest of all decorative crafts that you can make and you truly should give it a try. There really is nothing more entertaining and festive than a room full of Halloween spook crafts hanging from the ceiling and invading the walls of your are aunted house?

One of the best Halloween spook crafts that you can make is tissue spooks. Just take a chunk of Kleenex and gather it together so that you have an at the top with the bottom splaying out very similar to a ghost tail would look like! Use a rubber band or a garbage bag twist tie to secure the bulb which is the head of your ghost. Tie it tight! Then take a black wizardry marker and dot in eyes, a nose, and a mouth and you've got a Kleenex ghost. Make several of these to hang around your house so you can show your loved ones that you understand how to make Halloween ghost crafts like a pro!

another way to make great Halloween ghost crafts is to make balloon ghosts. These decorations are made from only a balloon and 2 plastic grocery bags. Start by cutting the handles off of the grocery bags. Leaving the seam at the bottom intact, cut the bag into strips. Then, you want to blow up a white balloon and tie it tight. Tape the plastic bags around the base of the balloon. Do this in a circle round the bottom edge of the balloon. Tie a string round the knot of the balloon if you want to hang your spook and then draw on a face. This is one of the great Halloween ghost crafts we have found that is easy to make and flies well especially outside!

eventually, we have another great project to add to your Halloween ghost crafts agenda the transparent ghost! First, cut out a ghost shape from two pieces of wax paper. Then cut out eyes and a ghoulish mouth from some construction paper. Take one of the wax paper ghosts and lay on top of a piece of newspaper. Place the eyes and mouth where they should be and spatter the remainder of the body with some glitter. Put the other wax paper ply carefully on top of the bottom one lining up the sides and cover with another piece of newspaper. Take an iron on medium heat and run over the ghost so that the two pieces of wax paper meld together. Once this is done, you can shred the of the ghost to make it particularly fun and then hang from a string!

There are such a lot of Halloween spook crafts that you can make with virtually no know-how. Take a risk and discover how much fun it can be to embellish your house with your own Halloween ghost crafts made by your own two small hands!

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